Dubai is a bustling and prosperous business environment that moves at a rapid pace.
Hence, one can agree with the fact that every year, every month and every week a new sports academy rises.
When it comes to sports in general, there are 2 business concepts in the Dubai region:
1. Club or leagues franchise
2. Private entities trying to become a regional brand
In this article, we’ll focus on business concept 2 as for number 1 it is a prerequisite to be approved by all the local authorities in order for a major brand to offer the franchise.
What Does a Private Entity Need to Get Approved as a Basketball Academy in Dubai?
Firstly, a private entity needs a business license under the Department of Economic Development or under Free Zone like IMPZ, Tecom, Silicon Oasis, Jebel Ali and others.
A sports academy business license under the Department of Economic Development is more regulated and comes under the supervision of the General Authority of Sports.
Secondly, in order to get approved by the General Authority of Sports, for each sport (in our case Basketball), the UAE Basketball Federation must release a No Objection Letter which can be received only when the manager or head coach of the academy has a high education certificate in Sports or is accredited by FIBA (Fédération Internationale de Basketball).
FIBA is the highest global authority that regulates and supervises everything that has to do with Basketball Coaches, Academies and Competitions.
Thirdly, Dubai Sports Council will give its blessing to run the activities smoothly. Only if approved by them, a club can join and participate in the Dubai Sports Council League.
Mentioned above are the necessary approvals required to operate an Academy program, which is an after-school program starting from 4 pm.
There is one more entity called KHDA which will give its approval to academies who wish to run Extra-curricular activities also known as ECA programs within the school curriculum.
As a division of the Dubai Government, the KHDA is responsible for ensuring that schools provide the safest and highest quality environments for children.
Now, talking at a micro level within an academy, every coach should have a Good Conduct from Dubai Police and Home Check with a clean record, First Aid Course, Safeguarding Certificate, and last but not least a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Education, specialized in Basketball or FIBA Certificate registered under WABC (World Association of Basketball Coaches).
The Bottom Line
Obtaining official approval as a basketball academy can assist players in their athletic achievements and future educational pursuits, as they can earn additional grades and credits when applying to universities.
Furthermore, such approval ensures a high level of service and delivery of knowledge from coaches to players, which can accelerate progress and bring the player closer to a high-performance level.
Elite Pro Academy is the only Basketball Academy in Dubai approved by UAE Basketball Federation, Dubai Sports Council, FIBA, and Dubai Youth Authority for Sports. Join us today and take your game to the next level! With our expert coaches, high-quality facilities, and guaranteed delivery of knowledge, you can achieve your athletic goals and position yourself for success in your future academic pursuits. For more information, feel free to contact us.