
Common Mistakes Made by Young Basketball Players & How to Avoid

Developing the right skills in basketball requires hard work and patience.  Especially if you’re a beginner, you are likely to make a lot of mistakes. But remember, to become a better basketball player, you must learn more from your failures than your successes.  As Michael Jordan once said, “To learn...


Why Is It Important to Choose an Approved Basketball Academy in Dubai?

Dubai is a bustling and prosperous business environment that moves at a rapid pace.  Hence, one can agree with the fact that every year, every month and every week a new sports academy rises.  When it comes to sports in general, there are 2 business concepts in the Dubai region:...


NBA To Reach UAE in 2022

The NBA 2K league exhibition event to join together the 3 million basketball fans of the Emirates with former and current international players transforming Abu Dhabi into a sports hub after it has opened doors for competitions in tennis and Formula One. DCT Abu Dhabi and NBA partner to host...